
The Hyperactive Club
Welcome to the landing page of, aka The goal of this site is to offer support to people who are hyperactive, their friends and family, and to increase understanding of what it’s like to “live in their skin.” It can […]

The Stupid Minivan
It was huge. It was ugly. It had the optional peanut-butter-stained interior with a pungent-not-new-car smell. The carpeting contained the historical record of our four kids, captured in layers of beach sand, smashed bananas, and melted ice cream, all well-preserved by protective coating of dog hair.
Of course it hadn’t always been that way. Only a few years before, Karin had decided it was time to ditch our “classic car,” a Chevy 9-passenger wagon, and get a box-on-wheels minivan. ….
contact for the rest of the story, subscribe to the blog, or buy the Kindle or print version on Amazon!

Blasts From The Past
Coming soon to this blog, short-form humor excerpts from my previously published work. Some of this will be freely offered, other bits will be available for a small fee. These are family-friendly stories, and many of them have nuggets of truth in […]

Erma Bombeck Writing Contest – Honorable Mention
Good news on the humor-writing front. I received an honorable Mention in this year’s #Erma #Bombeck Writing Competition. Here’s the link to my entry. The contest had a humor and a human-interest category. This piece, about memories of my mother, is a […]

Harold Gatty – The Navigator’s Navigator

Mom’s Wind Chimes
This story was originally published in February 2020 as first runner-up for the 2020 Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference in its global human interest category. It’s listed on the Centerville Library, of Dayton Ohio’s, website. But all rights remain with Robb Lightfoot This story is available to newsletter subscribers. To see it, please subscribe to the Robb’s newsletter and you’ll get a password!

Researching Wiley Post
I’m indulging one of my passions from my misspent childhood: binging on #biographies of #aviation and automotive pioneers and #dare-devils. There are so many interesting and quirky men—and women—from this age that it’s captivating reading. Right now, I’m brushing up on my […]

#SFWC 2020
Another year volunteering at the #SFWC, and I’m convinced that the new venue was an excellent choice. It’s so much easier to navigate for both volunteers lugging equipment about and for anyone with accessibility issues. Nice. I was pleased, too, that the […]
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How many people have wanted to strangle you? Seriously. This occurred to me as I began mapping out the topics I’m going to cover in this blog. I can joke about some of the situations I’ve survived, but the truth is that […]