What the #SFWC19 Presenters Said – A Word Frequency Analysis
Image copyright, 2019, Robb Lightfoot – contact robb@robblightfoot.com

I’m plugging away with my thesis analysis, and here’s a word-frequency graph drawn from the publicly-available handouts provided by the #SFWC19 presenters. These sort of visual analysis often form the starting point of successive, deep, re-readings of the materials and can reveal trends not apparent in any one document.
But I LOVE THIS CHART! Look at the most prominent themes, drawn from more than 14 breakout periods with 5-8 sessions per. Writing! Community! Content! Change! and even Active! and, of of course, Author!
Kudos the SFWC leadership for their work. This tracks with what they say about themselves, COMMUNITY is the biggest word in my analysis of their narratives, drawn from a 45 minute video explaining what the SFWC is. So, what they say, what others say, and (from my initial results of a survey), it’s what the various attendees and volunteers say.
More to come, but I thought I’d share this. It’s taken me many hours, and more money than I care to admit, to get on top of this data and the specialized software needed to do this sort of analysis. My thanks to all, and in particular to my wife, who has been very supportive of a love of writing and my author-friends that borders on the obsessive. Well, OK, that crosses into obsessive and borders on being totally insane.