I’m in the Funny Times again!
Check out the November 2020 Funny Times. “My Over-Stuffed Museum” is a piece about all the oddball stuff in our home. I’ve been COVID bound for months, like so many, and taking a close look at all my decor that I used to just brush by on the way out the door. I’m the curator, of course, but taking a close look at one’s possessions gives one a feeling of being at one with history.
Three ones in a single sentence. Wow.

I’m also still looking forward to the Erma Conference later this month. More news on that, soon.
You have read my mind and seen my garage – um, I mean my warehouse. OMG. Several years ago, Amy Dickinson wrote a piece “Forget ‘tidying-up’ and do some ‘death cleaning.'” That article still hangs on our refrigerator. We haven’t done it yet. But I read it every day. Your article is going to go right next to it now! Something more to read every day. Thanks so much! Now to get a version I can post on Facebook for others to commiserate with me.
Thanks for posting me alongside suggestions of things to do before you die! Super cool being on the fridge. That’s my favorite place to post my fovs.