Ditch the fear, find the fun. Public speaking tips, techniques, interviews, reviews, and resources.

Robb’s Standup at #VirtualErma
Mothers are our first teachers, and they have their work cut out for them.

Thinking Funny Comedy and Humor Conference 4-3-2021
April 3, 2021 – Save the Date! Check out our amazing, talented lineup of funny people by clicking here. And register by clicking here. Whether you’re writing a humor column, novel, non-fiction book, putting together a stand-up routine, scribbling a sitcom script […]
What the #SFWC19 Presenters Said – A Word Frequency Analysis
Image copyright, 2019, Robb Lightfoot – contact I’m plugging away with my thesis analysis, and here’s a word-frequency graph drawn from the publicly-available handouts provided by the #SFWC19 presenters. These sort of visual analysis often form the starting point of successive, […]
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It’s that time when people are thinking about their New Year’s Resolution, and what better way to open the new year than to face down your fear and learn to enjoy public speaking! It’s true that public speaking, as far as fear […]