Category: Comedy & Humor
Featuring stories and audio/visual clips of Robb’s work.

Monumentally Disappointed: Things You Won’t See In DC

#Humor – My Domain Name Addiction
Some people are addicted to booze, others to sex, and then there are those who have risked it all with their bookie on fantasy football or their March-madness pool. I only wish I had one of those addictions. I’m hooked on something not covered […]

#HumorHandbook – Getting Started – Robb’s Rule #2
“The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ” Mark Twain, Letters from the Earth (1909) I love writing because it is a chance to wrist-wrestle with my dreams. Often, I’ll wake up at 4 am with a bunch of crazy thoughts, […]

Robb Lightfoot, Author-Humorist
Robb lives and works in Northern California. His humor has appeared in regional and national publications, including and The Funny Times. He’s appeared on stage in Reno, and as part of the #virtualerma 2020 stand-up night. Robb’s screenplay, “One Little Indian” […]

News Flash: Mexico Makes Preemptive Strike on Mar-a-Lago (satire)
In a bold move that anticipated a Trump victory, Mexico fired their secret stash of Chinese “Carrier Killer” missiles at Mar-a-Largo. Mexican Minister of the Defense, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, said the act was necessary because of continual threats posed by the former-and-future […]

Be Brief – Robb’s Rule #4
“Brevity is the soul of wit.” William Shakespeare, Hamlet Write tight. It’s tempting to stop here, as a hyperbolic statement of the value of brevity. The best humor sneaks up on you. Taking you on a path and then making a sudden […]

Positive Pretending – Robb’s Rule #3
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be very careful what we pretend to be.” Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night We know that fiction writers create their worlds by pretending to be something they’re not. But the reality is, at […]

#HumorHandbook – Be Yourself – Robb’s Rule #1
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892) This is one of my favorite quotes by an amazing, and often-forgotten writer, Oscar Wilde. I believe many people know a Wilde Quote or two, but don’t know much […]

Humor Handbook Project
Welcome to the Humor Handbook Project. This project has been a long-time in the making, and will be sharing tips, techniques, and a tad bit of history and theory in a series of handbooks on comedy-writing and performing in its various forms. […]
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There will be days when you just don’t feel a bit funny. There will be long hours when you just don’t feel like writing anything at all. Tough. That’s the one thing I claim to have learned as a daily news reporter. […]