
Thinking Funny Comedy and Humor Conference 4-3-2021
April 3, 2021 – Save the Date! Check out our amazing, talented lineup of funny people by clicking here. And register by clicking here. Whether you’re writing a humor column, novel, non-fiction book, putting together a stand-up routine, scribbling a sitcom script […]

Erma Bombeck Awards Ceremony – Drop In!
Drop in today at 4 pm PDT to celebrate the winners and runners-up (that would be me) for the 2020 Erma Bombeck Humor Competition Awards Ceremony. There were four categories in all. Two for Ohio residents and two for international entries. The […]

My Little Sister’s Roller Skates
This piece was awarded the Nickie’s Prize for humor in September 2020, this is its first place to appear. It’s offered to newsletter subscribers. Sign up for the free, no-spam newsletter.
Watching Poop in Translucent Tubes
I remember a sign in a bar that featured a tough, scowling cowboy with the caption: “There were a lot of things they didn’t tell me when I signed on for this outfit.” The same could be said of RVing, including mastering […]

Spencer Vineyard Hipcamp
Karin and I finally got our new-used trailer on the road for a fun outing. Brief shout-out to the Spencer-Shirley Wines and their Vineyard-Hipcamp. Highly recommended. Beautiful views, peace and quiet, no crowds, great wine, engaging hosts. We’re still getting the […]

RV With Robb

Happy 38th Anniversary, Karin!
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I’m sharing a link to a blog post that dives into what Steve Job’s thought it meant to be intelligent. But the short take is that you need to seek different experiences than the rest of the herd. Here’s the article. But […]