
Positive Pretending – Robb’s Rule #3
“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be very careful what we pretend to be.” Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night We know that fiction writers create their worlds by pretending to be something they’re not. But the reality is, at […]

#HumorHandbook – Be Yourself – Robb’s Rule #1
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere’s Fan (1892) This is one of my favorite quotes by an amazing, and often-forgotten writer, Oscar Wilde. I believe many people know a Wilde Quote or two, but don’t know much […]

Humor Handbook Project
Welcome to the Humor Handbook Project. This project has been a long-time in the making, and will be sharing tips, techniques, and a tad bit of history and theory in a series of handbooks on comedy-writing and performing in its various forms. […]

Big-Buck Blogging For The Criminally Insane
So you want to blog for big bucks with nothing down? Why not? We’ve got karma to burn, so let’s go! First, you need a computer. Don’t own one? No problem. Check your local libraries and bistros. Quiet, relaxing, and deserted during […]

ThinkingFunny23 #humor & #comedy #writing conference
Learn about humor-writing from the pros at ThinkingFunny23. This online conference offers sessions that range from standup comedy to songwriting and tips on how to create and sustain a humor column and even publish your own series of book for fun and […]

Off and running on this year’s challenge! I’m up to my eyes in historical research, and now it’s time to write the story. It will be historical fiction, one of those darn books “based on actual events.” There’s plenty of documentation on […]

Kudos to Anne Janzer on Her Marketing Philosophy
Anne Janzer knows marketing, and she’s willing to share–for free–helpful advice. I’m one of the lucky people who have met and chatted with Anne at previous San Francisco Writer’s Conference. I subscribe to her newsletter, and I read her blog. She, folks, […]

Why I Love Design
Design rocks. It’s where science and engineering, cross pollinate with art–a G-rated way of putting it–and give birth to things that are beautiful and functional. I’ve been fascinated with elegant designs since I was a child. I loved inventions and gadgets, but […]

ThinkingFunny21 – Humor-Comedy Writing Workshop
Do you want to start the new year with a smile of anticipation on your face? Are you looking for one last tax-deduction in 2020? Register for the event by clicking here. Check the sessions lineup by clicking here. The event starts […]
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“Brevity is the soul of wit.” William Shakespeare, Hamlet Write tight. It’s tempting to stop here, as a hyperbolic statement of the value of brevity. The best humor sneaks up on you. Taking you on a path and then making a sudden […]