Another View #SFWC – Web Pages Analysis
Here’s another look at the San Francisco Writers Conference as seen through a word frequency analysis af all the publicly presented pages on their website, www.sfwriters.org. This includes all pages, contact information and media releases. It has a good deal of information from their recent event, #SFWC19. Notice how the theme of community jumps right out at you. Elsewhere, in my analysis, I spend almost 8 hours transcribing 45 minutes of a panel discussion to get a scripted narrative. I’ll be reviewing that for publication, soon. But I think there is a subtle difference here between what emerges in the “business of them being themselves” and what they say about themselves. Spoiler alert, it all seems to track. Their actions are aligned with their words.
Also, this aligns well with the earlier image of the presenters. Note: Even though the presenter information is on the web page, I excluded it from this data analysis.