I’m in the Funny Times again!

Check out the November 2020 Funny Times. “My Over-Stuffed Museum” is a piece about all the oddball stuff in our home. I’ve been COVID bound for months, like so many, and taking a close look at all my decor that I used to just brush by on the way out the door. I’m the curator, of course, but taking a close look at one’s possessions gives one a feeling of being at one with history.

Three ones in a single sentence. Wow.

I’m also still looking forward to the Erma Conference later this month. More news on that, soon. 🙂


Author, educator, humorist, entrepreneur, astronaut - one of these isn't true. :)


Kent Arnold
October 22, 2020 at 5:18 pm

You have read my mind and seen my garage – um, I mean my warehouse. OMG. Several years ago, Amy Dickinson wrote a piece “Forget ‘tidying-up’ and do some ‘death cleaning.'” That article still hangs on our refrigerator. We haven’t done it yet. But I read it every day. Your article is going to go right next to it now! Something more to read every day. Thanks so much! Now to get a version I can post on Facebook for others to commiserate with me.

November 2, 2020 at 11:49 am

Thanks for posting me alongside suggestions of things to do before you die! Super cool being on the fridge. That’s my favorite place to post my fovs.

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